
Work work work.

Been a long time since I wrote now, but to be honest there has been nothing to write about. It's been work work and more work.
Just one and a half week left till my summer holidays though, can't wait :D

Also trying to come up with a good story for my blood elf rogue (Eldolliel) on the Moonglade (rp server). But so far i'm stuck. Whish I had the kind of brain my friend (Lyz) has, mine just works on vampire topics >.< Oh well, hopefully I'll find summat to write about soon enough.

1 comment:

by Wyz said...

I'll keep my brain thank you very much.
One thing about rp stories is to keep them simple. Get down the important details and stick to those. Everything else, improvise. That's what rp is about really. Ingame they won't wait for you to look up your 32 page roleplaying story, they'll need an immediate response or they'll move on. Then your *character* will create her own story, nearly without any help from you.
Keep it Simple, Stupid.