
Happy Easter (almost :P)

Yes yes, I know I'm terrible at updating these things, I should be better. Part of the problem is that my laptop isn't working as intened at the moment. Keeps crashing on me. Will hopefully get an über PC soon :)

Since last I wrote we've gotten a cat: Lucky. She is really cute, about 8 months old now. And she might be pregnant. (I really hope she isn't though, she's too young)
And we've settled into the house now, still looks a bit messy, but it's home :)
Oh, and I've finally picked up my car and started using it. <3 Toyota <3

In WoW news: My hunter is now 80 (yay), but not very well geared sinced my laptop crashed before I got around to raiding..... /sob
Oh, and I left Loki... for many different reasons really, none which I wish to post in this blog.
And I have joined Children of Twilight, will hopefully get to raid with them soon. (need to get a bit more money for the pc first though)

I've also been listening to podcasts a lot when I'm at work, and I have totally fallen in love with Blue plz!, it's awesome. TB is just so ruipe with sarcasm :) I'm just worried that he forgets to breath sometimes, that man can talk for 2 hours straight (true!); and I don't think he draws his breath except for during the musicbreaks.....
He has a blog on here too, think it's called Blog plz! Check it out :)

That's all for now, Val signing out.

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