Don't you just love it when your parents do something unexpetced that doesn't involve you having to do anything you don't want to? Admitedly I don't live at my folks anymore so that's not really an issue anymore, but my mom never stops to amaze me. Here the other day she rang me (that in itself is quite extraordinary since she hasn't phoned me since i moved in december), and had some terrific news; she had a car for me (/gasp)! Her uncles Toyota Corolla. And I love those cars. OK it's fairly old, but it runs like a dream and there's nothing wrong with it. :) Can't wait till I get to pick it up.
Gratz val!
Gz hn"
wowsers gratz chica
Thanks guys :) It's a 95' Toyota Corolla. Even though it's old, it looks almost new. And tbh i don't care if it's old, it's a free car :)
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